Friday, October 14, 2005

the Frederick Saga Continues...


Fred woke with a start. No sound and no light. Where was he? In the pitch black he wondered if he had just sprung into existance. A figment of the imagination of a far off stranger. Someone cruel and twisted, forcing his hand to do the things he knew were wrong but enjoyed so. "Give me the world" he thought as if speaking to his stranger. A cricket began to chirp and a river began flow outside in a creek that was now old. Slowly he became aware of his body; neck became back which inturn stretched into legs. His arms grew along his desk and sprouted fingers.Fred felt alive and lifting his head from the desk he reached for the lamp and switched it on. His room lit with a cold unnatural light and he smiled. Home.

Standing up he stretched his hands over his head and leaned back into a giant yawn. He checked his watch, 4 am, plenty of time before the plan must be executed.Gone were the rat experiments. They were a thing of the past, a preparation for what he knew he must do now. Fate had finally been kind, a human subject had bee dangled in front of him and he knew that it was now time to act. The room was cold but Fred didn't notice, his mind was bent on the task ahead. Working in such a trance he was oblivious to the world outside, a world that was now beginning to stir.

First came the crickets, they inturn woke the birds whose song filtered through the blinds into the warm confines of Esmeralda's private sanctuary. She felt herself begin; her heart woke her head which in turn spread a warmth throughout her body and she was happy, inextricably happy. Today was the day that she had been waiting for. Her first date with the boy of her dreams. Frederick von Swinehund.


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